Interface | Description |
Accordion |
An accordion is a component similar to a
TabSheet , but with a vertical orientation and the selected component
presented between tabs. |
Accordion.Tab |
Tab interface.
Action |
Action interface abstracts away a function from a visual component. |
Action.BeforeActionPerformedHandler |
Callback interface which is invoked by the action before execution.
Action.HasBeforeActionPerformedHandler |
Interface defining methods for adding and removing
Action.BeforeActionPerformedHandler s |
Action.HasOpenType |
Indicates that the action can be assigned a
WindowManager.OpenType to open a related screen. |
Action.HasSecurityConstraint |
Interface defining constraintOperationType and constraintCode options.
Action.HasTarget | |
Action.SecuredAction |
Indicates that the action can be affected by UI permissions.
ActionOwner |
Component supporting an action.
Actions |
Factory to create actions declared as
ActionType . |
ActionsHolder |
A component containing
Action s. |
BoxLayout | |
BrowserFrame |
A component displaying an embedded web page.
Buffered |
Data aware component that supports buffered write mode.
BulkEditor |
BulkEditAction in new screens instead. |
Button | |
ButtonsPanel | |
ButtonsPanel.Provider | Deprecated
will be removed in release 7.1
Calendar | |
CapsLockIndicator | |
CheckBox | |
CheckBoxGroup<I> |
A group of Checkboxes.
ChildEditableController |
Component that manages editable property of child components.
ClasspathResource |
A resource that is located in classpath with the given
path . |
Collapsable |
Is able to collapse (folding).
ColorPicker | |
Component |
Root of the GenericUI components hierarchy.
Component.BelongToFrame |
Component belonging to a frame
Component.Disposable | |
Component.Editable |
Component supporting "editable" state.
Component.Focusable |
Component supporting "focusable" state.
Component.HasCaption |
Object having a caption.
Component.HasDescription |
Object having a description.
Component.HasIcon |
Component having an icon.
Component.HasXmlDescriptor |
Object having an XML descriptor attached.
Component.OptionsStyleProvider | Deprecated |
Component.Wrapper |
Component delegating work to some "wrapped" client-specific implementation.
ComponentContainer |
Component which can contain other components.
ComponentGenerationStrategy |
An interface which realizations are used to create UI components.
CompositeValidationException.ViolationCause | |
CssLayout | |
CurrencyField<V extends java.lang.Number> |
The CurrencyField component is intended for displaying currency values.
DataGrid<E extends Entity> |
A grid component for displaying tabular data bound to entity type.
DataGrid.ButtonRenderer<T extends Entity> |
A Renderer that displays a button with a textual caption.
DataGrid.CellDescriptionProvider<E extends Entity> | Deprecated
DataGrid.Column.getDescriptionProvider() instead |
DataGrid.CellStyleProvider<E extends Entity> | Deprecated
DataGrid.Column.setStyleProvider(Function) instead |
DataGrid.CheckBoxRenderer |
A renderer that represents a boolean values as a graphical check box icons.
DataGrid.ClickableTextRenderer<T extends Entity> |
A renderer for presenting simple plain-text string values as a link with call back handler.
DataGrid.Column<E extends Entity> |
A column in the DataGrid.
DataGrid.ColumnEditorFieldGenerator | Deprecated |
DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<E,T> | |
DataGrid.ComponentRenderer |
A renderer for UI components.
DataGrid.Converter<P,M> | Deprecated
Column#setRenderer(Renderer, Function)
and presentation provider represented by a Function instead |
DataGrid.DateRenderer |
A renderer for presenting date values.
DataGrid.DetailsGenerator<E extends Entity> |
A callback interface for generating details for a particular row in Grid.
DataGrid.FooterCell |
Represents a footer cell in DataGrid.
DataGrid.FooterRow |
Represents a footer row in DataGrid.
DataGrid.HasDateTimeFormatter |
A renderer has a DateTimeFormatter.
DataGrid.HasLocale |
A renderer has a locale.
DataGrid.HasNullRepresentation |
A renderer has a null representation.
DataGrid.HasRendererClickListener<T extends Entity> |
Renderer has click listener.
DataGrid.HeaderCell |
Represents a header cell in DataGrid.
DataGrid.HeaderRow |
Represents a header row in DataGrid.
DataGrid.HtmlRenderer |
A renderer for presenting HTML content.
DataGrid.ImageRenderer<T extends Entity> |
A renderer for presenting images.
DataGrid.LocalDateRenderer |
A renderer for presenting LocalDate values.
DataGrid.LocalDateTimeRenderer |
A renderer for presenting LocalDateTime values.
DataGrid.NumberRenderer |
A renderer for presenting number values.
DataGrid.ProgressBarRenderer |
A renderer that represents a double values as a graphical progress bar.
DataGrid.Renderer |
Marker interface to indicate that the implementing class can be used as a renderer.
DataGrid.RowDescriptionProvider<E extends Entity> | Deprecated
Function instead |
DataGrid.RowStyleProvider<E extends Entity> | Deprecated
Function instead |
DataGrid.StaticCell |
Base interface for DataGrid header or footer cells.
DataGrid.StaticRow<T extends DataGrid.StaticCell> |
Base interface for DataGrid header and footer rows.
DataGrid.TextRenderer |
A renderer for presenting simple plain-text string values.
DataGridEditorFieldFactory |
Factory that generates components for
DataGrid editor. |
DatasourceComponent<V> | Deprecated |
DateField<V> | |
DatePicker<V> | |
DetachableFrame |
Represents detachable part of window
DetachableFrame.DetachListener |
Listener for frame attach/detach
DialogWindow |
UI component that represents a dialog window of application.
EditableChangeNotifier |
Component that fires EditableChangeEvent events.
Embedded | Deprecated
Image and BrowserFrame instead |
EntityLinkField<V> | |
EntityLinkField.EntityLinkClickHandler | |
EntityLinkField.ScreenCloseListener | Deprecated |
ExpandingLayout |
Component container which can expand enclosing components
Field<V> |
Base interface for "fields" - components intended to display and edit value of a certain entity attribute.
Field.Validator<T> | Deprecated
Use typed
Consumer instead. |
FieldFactory | |
FieldGroup |
Multi-column form component.
FieldGroup.CustomFieldGenerator | Deprecated
Set component implementation directly to
FieldGroup.FieldConfig using FieldGroup.FieldConfig.setComponent(Component) method. |
FieldGroup.FieldConfig |
Configuration of a field.
FieldGroupFieldFactory |
Factory that generates components for
FieldGroup fields defined declaratively. |
FileDescriptorResource |
A resource that can be obtained from the
FileStorage using the given FileDescriptor . |
FileMultiUploadField | |
FileMultiUploadField.QueueUploadCompleteListener | Deprecated |
FileResource |
A resource that is stored in the file system as the given
File . |
FileUploadField | |
FileUploadField.FileContentProvider | Deprecated
Supplier of InputStream instead. |
Filter | |
Filter.AfterFilterAppliedHandler | |
Filter.BeforeFilterAppliedHandler | |
Filter.FilterEntityChangeListener | |
Filter.PropertiesFilterPredicate |
A predicate that tests whether a property with the given path should be available for filtering.
FilterImplementation |
The interface is implemented by generic filter components.
FlowBoxLayout | |
Form |
A multi-column form component.
Formatter<T> | Deprecated |
Fragment |
Reusable part of
Window with separate UI controller. |
Frame |
Root class of UI components having controller.
Frame.Wrapper | Deprecated |
GridLayout |
A layout where the components are laid out on a grid using cell coordinates.
GroupBoxLayout | |
GroupTable<E extends Entity> |
Table UI component that supports grouping of rows by property values.
GroupTable.GroupCellValueFormatter<E> | |
GroupTable.GroupStyleProvider<E extends Entity> |
Allows to define different styles for table cells.
HasBorder |
Object having a border.
HasButtonsPanel |
Component having a buttons panel.
HasCaptionMode | Deprecated
HasOptionCaptionProvider instead |
HasContextHelp |
An interface implemented by components that can provide a context help.
HasConversionErrorMessage |
Component annotated by this interface enables to configure custom error message
when conversion to specified datatype fails.
HasDatatype<V> | |
HasDebugId | |
HasFormatter<V> |
Object having a formatter.
HasHtmlCaption | |
HasHtmlDescription | |
HasInnerComponents |
Component which can contain other components.
HasInputPrompt |
Interface for UI components that support a textual input prompt.
HasItemCaptionProvider<I> |
A component that is marked with this interface allows to manage caption for component item.
HasMargin |
A class that implements this interface can have indentation between the outer borders and the container content.
HasNamedComponents |
Component which can contain other components and provides access "by-name" to children.
HasOptionCaptionProvider<I> |
A component that is marked with this interface allows to manage caption for options displayed
by this component.
HasOptionsStyleProvider<I> |
A component that is marked with this interface allows to manage additional style names for options displayed
by this component.
HasOrientation | |
HasOuterMargin |
A class that implements this interface can have indentation outside the border.
HasPresentations |
Component having presentations.
HasRange<V> | |
HasRowsCount |
Component having a
RowsCount component. |
HasSettings |
Object supporting save/restore of user settings.
HasSpacing |
A class that implements this interface can have space between child components.
HasSubParts |
Interface for UI components that provide additional objects for framework as part of component API.
HasUserOriginated | |
HasValue<V> |
UI component having a value.
HasWindowManager | Deprecated |
HBoxLayout | |
HighlightMode | |
HtmlAttributes |
Sets DOM and CSS attributes to UI component widgets.
HtmlBoxLayout | |
Image |
The Image component is intended for displaying graphic content.
Label<V> | |
LayoutClickNotifier |
Layout having a mouse click listener.
Link |
HTML link component
LinkButton |
A button looking like hyperlink
ListComponent<E extends Entity> | |
ListComponent.IconProvider<E extends Entity> | Deprecated
Function instead |
ListEditor<V> |
The component is used for displaying and editing a collection of values.
LookupComponent<E extends Entity> |
A component which can be set as lookup component for a screen.
LookupComponent.LookupSelectionChangeNotifier<T extends Entity> |
Component that fires
LookupComponent.LookupSelectionChangeEvent when lookup selected items set is changed. |
LookupField<V> | |
LookupField.FilterPredicate |
A predicate that tests whether an item with the given caption matches to the given search string.
LookupField.NewOptionHandler | Deprecated |
LookupField.OptionIconProvider<T> | Deprecated |
LookupPickerField<V extends Entity> |
LookupPickerField adds to PickerField the ability to select an entity from drop-down list.
MaskedField<V> |
Masked field component generic interface.
OptionsField<V,I> |
UI component having options.
OptionsGroup<V,I> | Deprecated |
OptionsList<V,I> |
Simple list select component.
OrderedContainer |
Component which can contain other components and provides indexed access to children.
PasswordField | |
PickerField<V extends Entity> |
Generic UI component designed to select and display an entity instance.
PickerField.AfterLookupCloseHandler | |
PickerField.AfterLookupSelectionHandler | |
PickerField.FieldListener | Deprecated |
PickerField.PickerFieldAction | |
PopupButton |
Button with a popup. |
PopupView | |
ProgressBar |
Progress bar is a component that visually displays the progress of some task.
RadioButtonGroup<I> |
A group of RadioButtons.
RelatedEntities | |
RelativePathResource |
A resource that is stored in the directory of your application, e.g.:
${catalina.base}/webapps/appName/static/image.png . |
ResizableTextArea<V> | |
ResizeListener<T> | Deprecated |
Resource |
Marker interface to indicate that the implementing class can be used as a resource.
ResourceView |
A class that implements this interface is intended for viewing different resources, e.g.
ResourceView.HasMimeType |
Marker interface to indicate that the implementing class supports MIME type setting.
ResourceView.HasStreamSettings |
Marker interface to indicate that the implementing class has stream settings (such as cache time, buffer size
or file name).
RichTextArea | |
RootWindow |
UI component that represents a top level window of application.
RowsCount |
Component that makes a data binding to load data by pages.
RowsCount.BeforeRefreshListener | Deprecated
Consumer with RowsCount.BeforeRefreshEvent instead. |
RowsCount.RowsCountTarget | |
ScrollBoxLayout | |
SearchField<V> | |
SearchField.SearchNotifications |
Notifications configuration object.
SearchPickerField<V extends Entity> |
SearchPickerField adds to PickerField the ability to search an entity using a special options datasource.
SecuredActionsHolder |
ActionsHolder component that loads and controls permissions on owned actions. |
ShortcutNotifier |
Component having a shortcut listener.
SingleModeWindow | |
SourceCodeEditor | |
SplitPanel | |
StreamResource |
A resource provided to the client directly by the application.
SuggestionField<V> | |
SuggestionField.ArrowDownActionHandler |
ARROW_DOWN key pressed listener.
SuggestionField.EnterActionHandler |
ENTER key pressed listener.
SuggestionField.ParametrizedSearchExecutor<E> |
Extended version of
SuggestionField.SearchExecutor that allows to pass parameters. |
SuggestionField.SearchExecutor<E> |
Custom suggestions search action interface.
SuggestionPickerField<V extends Entity> | |
SupportsChildrenSelection |
Utility interface for components that show only selected child.
SupportsExpandRatio |
Component container which supports expand ratio of components
SupportsUserAction<V> | |
Table<E extends Entity> |
Table UI component bound to entity type.
Table.AggregationDistributionProvider<E> |
Allows to handle a group or total aggregation value changes.
Table.CellClickListener<T extends Entity> | Deprecated
Table.setCellClickListener(String, Consumer) instead. |
Table.ColumnCollapseListener | Deprecated
Table.addColumnCollapseListener(Consumer) instead |
Table.ColumnGenerator<E extends Entity> |
Allows rendering of an arbitrary
Component inside a table cell. |
Table.Printable<E extends Entity,P> |
Allows set Printable representation for column in Excel export.
Table.PrintableColumnGenerator<E extends Entity,P> |
Column generator, which supports print to Excel.
Table.StyleProvider<E extends Entity> |
Allows to define different styles for table cells.
TabSheet |
TabSheet component interface.
TabSheet.Tab |
Tab interface.
TabSheet.TabCloseHandler |
Handler that overrides the default behavior if
TabSheet.Tab.isClosable() is true and a user clicks the close button. |
TabWindow |
Tab window UI component.
TextArea<V> | |
TextField<V> | |
TextInputField<V> | |
TextInputField.CaseConversionSupported | |
TextInputField.CursorPositionSupported | |
TextInputField.EnterPressNotifier | |
TextInputField.HtmlNameSupported | |
TextInputField.MaxLengthLimited | |
TextInputField.TextChangeNotifier |
An interface for UI components that provide additional methods for text change handling.
TextInputField.TextSelectionSupported | |
TextInputField.TrimSupported | |
ThemeResource |
A theme resource, e.g.
TimeField<V> | |
Timer | |
Timer.ActionListener |
Listener for timer events.
Timer.StopListener |
Listener for timer stop event.
TokenList<V extends Entity> | |
TokenList.AfterLookupCloseHandler | Deprecated
TokenList.setLookupProvider(Supplier) instead |
TokenList.AfterLookupSelectionHandler | Deprecated
TokenList.setLookupProvider(Supplier) instead |
TokenList.ItemChangeHandler |
Enables to handle selected items change.
TokenList.ItemClickListener |
Selected items click handler.
TokenList.TokenStyleGenerator | Deprecated |
Tree<E extends Entity> | |
Tree.StyleProvider<E extends Entity> | Deprecated |
TreeDataGrid<E extends Entity> |
A DataGrid component for displaying hierarchical tabular data.
TreeTable<E extends Entity> | |
TwinColumn<V> |
A component with two lists: left list for available options, right list for selected values.
TwinColumn.OptionStyleProvider<V> | |
TwinColumn.StyleProvider | Deprecated |
UiPermissionAware |
State of subcomponents can be managed by UI permissions.
UploadField | |
UrlResource |
A resource that can be loaded from the given
URL . |
Validatable |
A component which can be validated
ValidationException.HasRelatedComponent | |
VBoxLayout | |
VisibilityChangeNotifier | |
Window |
Represents an independent window of application.
Window.CloseListener |
Listener to be notified when a screen is closed.
Window.CloseOrigin |
Marker interface for all window close types, which describes the way a window was closed.
Window.CloseWithCommitListener |
Listener to be notified when a screen is closed with actionId
Window.Committable |
Represents a window that can be committed on close.
Window.Editor<T extends Entity> | Deprecated |
Window.HasFoldersPane | |
Window.HasUserIndicator | |
Window.HasWorkArea | |
Window.Lookup<T extends Entity> | Deprecated |
Window.Lookup.Handler |
Callback interface to receive selected entities.
Window.Lookup.Validator |
Callback interface to validate the lookup screen upon selection before calling
Window.Lookup.Handler.handleLookup(java.util.Collection) method. |
Window.MainWindow | Deprecated
MainScreen |
Window.TopLevelWindow | Deprecated
Is not required for screen controllers anymore
Window.Wrapper | Deprecated |
WrappedWindow | Deprecated |
Class | Description |
AbstractAction |
Abstract class for GUI actions.
AbstractEditor<T extends Entity> |
Base class for edit screen controllers.
AbstractFrame |
Base class for frame controllers.
AbstractLookup |
Base class for lookup screen controllers.
AbstractMainWindow |
Base class for a controller of application Main window.
AbstractTopLevelWindow | |
AbstractWindow |
Base class for simple screen controllers.
Accordion.SelectedTabChangeEvent |
SelectedTabChangeEvents are fired when a selected tab is changed.
Action.ActionPerformedEvent |
Event sent when the action is performed.
AggregationInfo | |
Button.ClickEvent |
Event sent when the button is clicked.
Calendar.CalendarBackwardClickEvent | |
Calendar.CalendarDateClickEvent | |
Calendar.CalendarEventClickEvent | |
Calendar.CalendarEventMoveEvent | |
Calendar.CalendarEventResizeEvent | |
Calendar.CalendarForwardClickEvent | |
Calendar.CalendarRangeSelectEvent | |
Calendar.CalendarWeekClickEvent | |
Collapsable.ExpandedStateChangeEvent | |
ComponentGenerationContext |
A class which stores information that can be used
when creating a component by the
UiComponents . |
DataGrid.AbstractDataGridEditorEvent |
The root class from which all DataGrid editor event state objects shall be derived.
DataGrid.AbstractDataGridEvent |
The root class from which all DataGrid event state objects shall be derived.
DataGrid.ColumnCollapsingChangeEvent |
An event that is fired when a column's collapsing changes.
DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<E> |
Event provided by a
DataGrid.ColumnGenerator |
DataGrid.ColumnReorderEvent |
An event that is fired when the columns are reordered.
DataGrid.ColumnResizeEvent |
An event that is fired when a column is resized.
DataGrid.ContextClickEvent |
Context click event fired by a
DataGrid . |
DataGrid.DataGridClickEvent |
Class for holding information about a mouse click event.
DataGrid.EditorCloseEvent |
An event that is fired when the DataGrid editor is closed.
DataGrid.EditorFieldGenerationContext<T> |
class which stores information that can be used
when creating a component for a
DataGrid editor. |
DataGrid.EditorOpenEvent |
An event that is fired before the DataGrid editor is opened.
DataGrid.EditorPostCommitEvent |
An event that is fired after the item is updated.
DataGrid.EditorPreCommitEvent |
An event that is fired before the item is updated.
DataGrid.ItemClickEvent<E> |
Click event fired by a
DataGrid |
DataGrid.RendererClickEvent<T extends Entity> |
Click event fired by a
DataGrid.HasRendererClickListener |
DataGrid.SelectionEvent<E extends Entity> |
Event sent when the selection changes.
DataGrid.SortEvent |
An event that is fired when a sort order is changed.
DataGrid.SortOrder |
Sort order descriptor.
DialogAction |
Standard action for option dialogs.
EditableChangeNotifier.EditableChangeEvent | |
EntityCombinedScreen |
Base class for controllers of combined browser/editor screens.
EntityLinkField.EditorCloseEvent<V> |
Describes editor close event.
FieldGroupFieldFactory.GeneratedField | |
FileMultiUploadField.QueueUploadCompleteEvent |
Describes queue upload complete event.
FileUploadField.AfterValueClearEvent |
Describes after value clear event.
FileUploadField.BeforeValueClearEvent |
Describes before value clear event.
FileUploadField.FileUploadSucceedEvent |
Describes file upload succeeded event when the uploads are successfully finished.
Filter.FilterOptions | |
FilterDataContext | |
FilterDataContext.ContainerRegistration | |
FilterDataContext.DataLoaderRegistration | |
Frame.MessageType |
Message dialog type.
GridLayout.Area |
Defines a rectangular area of cells in a GridLayout.
GroupTable.GroupAggregationDistributionContext<V> |
Object that contains information about group aggregation distribution.
GroupTable.GroupCellContext<E> | |
HasContextHelp.ContextHelpIconClickEvent |
Describes context help icon click event.
HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<V> |
Describes value change event.
HtmlAttributes.CSS |
Common CSS property names.
HtmlAttributes.DOM |
Common DOM attribute names.
Image.ClickEvent |
Image.ClickEvent is fired when the user clicks on an Image . |
KeyCombination | |
LayoutClickNotifier.LayoutClickEvent |
Event sent when a user clicks mouse inside the layout.
ListEditor.EditorCloseEvent | |
LookupComponent.LookupSelectionChangeEvent<T extends Entity> | |
MarginInfo | |
MouseEventDetails |
Class to store mouse event details.
PickerField.ClearAction |
Action to clear the PickerField content.
PickerField.FieldValueChangeEvent<V extends Entity> | |
PickerField.LookupAction |
Action to select an entity instance through the entity lookup screen.
PickerField.OpenAction |
Action to open an edit screen for entity instance which is currently set in the PickerField.
PickerField.StandardAction | |
PopupButton.PopupVisibilityEvent |
Event sent when the visibility of the popup changes.
PopupView.PopupVisibilityEvent |
Event sent when the visibility of the popup changes.
ResizableTextArea.ResizeEvent | |
ResourceView.SourceChangeEvent |
SourceChangeEvent is fired when a source is changed.
RowsCount.BeforeRefreshEvent |
Event that is fired before refreshing the datasource when the user clicks next, previous, etc.
RuntimePropertiesFrame |
Universal frame for editing dynamic attributes of any
Categorized implementations. |
ScreenComponentDescriptor | |
SelectAction |
An action used in the lookup screens to select an item.
ShortcutAction |
The ShortcutAction is triggered when the user presses a given key combination.
ShortcutTriggeredEvent |
Describes shortcut triggered event.
SizeWithUnit |
A class for representing a value-unit pair.
SplitPanel.SplitPositionChangeEvent |
Event that indicates a change in SplitPanel's splitter position.
SuggestionField.OptionWrapper<V> |
Represents a value and its string representation.
Table.AggregationDistributionContext<E> |
Object that contains information about aggregation distribution.
Table.CellClickEvent<T extends Entity> | |
Table.Column<T extends Entity> | |
Table.ColumnCollapseEvent<E extends Entity> |
Event sent every time column collapse state changes.
Table.PlainTextCell |
Special component for generated columns which will be rendered as simple text cell.
Table.SelectionEvent<E extends Entity> |
Event sent when the selection changes.
Table.SortInfo | |
TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeEvent |
SelectedTabChangeEvents are fired when a selected tab is changed.
TextInputField.EnterPressEvent |
EnterPressEvents are fired when the user presses Enter while editing the text content of a field.
TextInputField.TextChangeEvent |
TextChangeEvents are fired at the same time when
ValueChangeEvent s are fired. |
Timer.TimerActionEvent | |
Timer.TimerStopEvent | |
Tree.SelectionEvent<E extends Entity> |
Event sent when the selection changes.
TreeDataGrid.CollapseEvent<E extends Entity> |
An event that is fired when an item is collapsed.
TreeDataGrid.ExpandEvent<E extends Entity> |
An event that is fired when an item is expanded.
UiComponentsGenerator | |
UploadField.DropZone |
Drop zone descriptor.
UploadField.FileUploadErrorEvent |
Describes file upload error event.
UploadField.FileUploadEvent |
Base class for UploadField events.
UploadField.FileUploadFinishEvent |
Describes file upload finish event.
UploadField.FileUploadStartEvent |
Describes file upload start event.
ValidationErrors |
Encapsulates errors found during components validation.
ValidationErrors.Item | |
VisibilityChangeNotifier.VisibilityChangeEvent | |
Window.BeforeCloseEvent |
Event sent right before the window is closed by an external (relative to the window content) action,
like the button in the window tab or by the Esc keyboard shortcut.
Window.BeforeCloseWithCloseButtonEvent | Deprecated |
Window.BeforeCloseWithShortcutEvent | Deprecated |
Enum | Description |
Action.Status |
Used in dialogs to assign a special visual style for a button representing the action.
AggregationInfo.Type | |
Calendar.TimeFormat | |
CaptionMode | |
CloseOriginType |
Describes the default ways a window was closed.
Component.Alignment | |
ContentMode |
Defines how the client should interpret textual values.
CurrencyField.CurrencyLabelPosition |
Defines where the currency label is located.
DataGrid.ColumnResizeMode | |
DataGrid.DataGridStaticCellType |
Enumeration, specifying the content type of a Cell in a DataGrid header or footer.
DataGrid.ScrollDestination |
Enumeration, specifying the destinations that are supported when scrolling
rows or columns into view.
DataGrid.SelectionMode | |
DataGrid.SortDirection |
Describes sorting direction.
DateField.Resolution | |
DatePicker.Resolution | |
DialogAction.Type | |
DialogWindow.WindowMode |
Supported dialog window modes.
Embedded.Type | |
ExpandingLayout.ExpandDirection | |
FieldGroup.FieldAttachMode |
Whether apply declarative defaults for custom field or not.
FieldGroup.FieldCaptionAlignment |
Field caption alignment.
FileUploadField.FileStoragePutMode |
Defines when FileDescriptor will be committed.
Form.CaptionPosition |
Caption alignment.
Frame.MessageMode |
Message dialog type.
Frame.NotificationType |
Popup notification type.
HasOrientation.Orientation | |
Image.ScaleMode |
Defines image scale mode.
KeyCombination.Key | |
KeyCombination.Modifier | |
ListEditor.ItemType | |
LookupField.FilterMode | |
MaskedField.ValueMode | |
MouseEventDetails.MouseButton |
Constants for mouse buttons.
PickerField.ActionType | Deprecated |
PopupButton.PopupOpenDirection |
Opening direction for the popup.
ResizableTextArea.ResizeDirection |
Represents directions in which textArea can be resized.
RowsCount.State | |
ScrollBoxLayout.ScrollBarPolicy | |
SearchField.Mode |
Determines how search string case should be considered.
SizeUnit | |
SourceCodeEditor.Mode | |
SplitPanel.DockMode |
Specifies SplitPanel docking direction.
Table.AggregationStyle | |
Table.ColumnAlignment | |
Table.RowHeaderMode | |
Table.SortDirection |
Describes sorting direction.
TextInputField.CaseConversion |
Defines case conversion for text input fields,
which implement
TextInputField.CaseConversionSupported interface. |
TextInputField.TextChangeEventMode |
Different modes how the TextField can trigger
TextInputField.TextChangeEvent s. |
TimeField.Resolution | |
TokenList.Position |
Defines component editor position.
Tree.SelectionMode | |
Window.ContentSwitchMode |
Defines how the managed main TabSheet switches a tab with the given window: hides or unloads its content.
Exception | Description |
CompositeValidationException | |
FieldGroup.FieldsValidationException |
Exception that is thrown from
FieldGroup.validate() . |
RequiredValueMissingException | |
ValidationException |
Exception to be thrown by field validators.
ValidationFailedException |
Annotation Type | Description |
ActionType |