public interface ChartModel<T extends ChartModel>
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
T |
addAdditionalFields(java.lang.String... fields)
Adds additional fields
T |
addData(DataItem... dataItems)
Adds data items.
T |
addLabels(Label... allLabels)
Adds labels.
T |
addPrefixesOfBigNumbers(BigNumberPrefix... prefixesOfBigNumbers)
Adds BigNumberPrefixes.
T |
addPrefixesOfSmallNumbers(SmallNumberPrefix... prefixesOfSmallNumbers)
Adds SmallNumberPrefix
T |
addTitles(Title... titles)
Adds titles to chart.
java.lang.Boolean |
getAccessible() |
java.lang.String |
getAccessibleTitle() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getAddClassNames() |
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
getAdditionalFields() |
java.util.List<Label> |
getAllLabels() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getAutoDisplay() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getAutoResize() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getAutoTransform() |
java.lang.Double |
getBackgroundAlpha() |
Color |
getBackgroundColor() |
Balloon |
getBalloon() |
java.lang.Double |
getBorderAlpha() |
Color |
getBorderColor() |
java.lang.String |
getClassNamePrefix() |
Color |
getColor() |
CreditsPosition |
getCreditsPosition() |
DataProvider |
getDataProvider() |
java.lang.String |
getDecimalSeparator() |
java.lang.String |
getDefs() |
Export |
getExport() |
java.lang.String |
getFontFamily() |
java.lang.Integer |
getFontSize() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getHandDrawn() |
java.lang.Integer |
getHandDrawScatter() |
java.lang.Integer |
getHandDrawThickness() |
java.lang.Integer |
getHideBalloonTime() |
java.lang.String |
getLanguage() |
Legend |
getLegend() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getPanEventsEnabled() |
java.lang.String |
getPath() |
java.lang.String |
getPathToImages() |
java.lang.Integer |
getPercentPrecision() |
java.lang.Integer |
getPrecision() |
java.util.List<BigNumberPrefix> |
getPrefixesOfBigNumbers() |
java.util.List<SmallNumberPrefix> |
getPrefixesOfSmallNumbers() |
java.lang.Integer |
getProcessCount() |
java.lang.Integer |
getProcessTimeout() |
Responsive |
getResponsive() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getSvgIcons() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getTapToActivate() |
ChartTheme |
getTheme() |
java.lang.String |
getThousandsSeparator() |
java.util.List<Title> |
getTitles() |
java.lang.Integer |
getTouchClickDuration() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getUsePrefixes() |
T |
setAccessible(java.lang.Boolean accessible)
When enabled, chart adds aria-label attributes to columns or bullets objects.
T |
setAccessibleTitle(java.lang.String accessibleTitle)
Description which is added to of a SVG element.
T |
setAddClassNames(java.lang.Boolean addClassNames)
Specifies, if CSS class names should be added to chart elements (line, fill, column, etc).
T |
setAdditionalFields(java.util.List<java.lang.String> additionalFields)
Sets list of additional fields.
T |
setAllLabels(java.util.List<Label> allLabels)
Sets the list of labels.
T |
setAutoDisplay(java.lang.Boolean autoDisplay)
If you set autoDisplay to true the chart will automatically monitor changes of display style of chart’s
container (or any of it’s parents) and will render chart correctly.
T |
setAutoResize(java.lang.Boolean autoResize)
Set to false if you don't want chart to resize itself whenever its parent container size changes.
T |
setAutoTransform(java.lang.Boolean autoTransform)
If you set it to true and your chart div (or any of the parent div) has CSS scale applied, the chart will
position mouse at a correct position.
T |
setBackgroundAlpha(java.lang.Double backgroundAlpha)
Sets opacity of background.
T |
setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
Sets background color.
T |
setBalloon(Balloon balloon)
Sets the balloon (tooltip) of the chart.
T |
setBorderAlpha(java.lang.Double borderAlpha)
Sets opacity of chart's border.
T |
setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
Sets color of chart's border.
T |
setClassNamePrefix(java.lang.String classNamePrefix)
Sets prefix to all class names which are added to all visual elements of a chart in case
AbstractChart.addClassNames is set to true. |
T |
setColor(Color color)
Sets text color.
T |
setCreditsPosition(CreditsPosition creditsPosition)
Sets position of link to amCharts site.
T |
setDataProvider(DataProvider dataProvider)
Sets data provider that contains data set.
T |
setDecimalSeparator(java.lang.String decimalSeparator)
Sets decimal separator.
T |
setDefs(java.lang.String defs)
Sets any additional information to SVG, like SVG filters or clip paths.
T |
setExport(Export export)
Sets export config.
T |
setFontFamily(java.lang.String fontFamily)
Sets font family.
T |
setFontSize(java.lang.Integer fontSize)
Sets font size.
T |
setHandDrawn(java.lang.Boolean handDrawn)
If true, the lines of the chart will be distorted and will produce hand-drawn effect.
T |
setHandDrawScatter(java.lang.Integer handDrawScatter)
Defines by how many pixels hand-drawn line (when
handDrawn is set to
true) will fluctuate. |
T |
setHandDrawThickness(java.lang.Integer handDrawThickness)
Defines by how many pixels line thickness will fluctuate (when
handDrawn is set
to true). |
T |
setHideBalloonTime(java.lang.Integer hideBalloonTime)
Sets time, in milliseconds after which balloon is hidden if the user rolls-out of the object.
T |
setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
Sets language of default.
T |
setLegend(Legend legend)
Sets legend of a chart.
T |
setPanEventsEnabled(java.lang.Boolean panEventsEnabled)
This setting affects touch-screen devices only.
T |
setPath(java.lang.String path)
Specifies absolute or relative path to amCharts files.
T |
setPathToImages(java.lang.String pathToImages)
Specifies path to the folder where images like resize grips, lens and similar are.
T |
setPercentPrecision(java.lang.Integer percentPrecision)
Sets precision of percent values.
T |
setPrecision(java.lang.Integer precision)
Precision of values.
T |
setPrefixesOfBigNumbers(java.util.List<BigNumberPrefix> prefixesOfBigNumbers)
Sets the prefixes which are used to make big numbers shorter: 2M instead of 2000000, etc.
T |
setPrefixesOfSmallNumbers(java.util.List<SmallNumberPrefix> prefixesOfSmallNumbers)
Sets prefixes which are used to make small numbers shorter: 2μ instead of 0.000002, etc.
T |
setProcessCount(java.lang.Integer processCount)
If processTimeout is greater than 0, 1000 data items will be parsed at a time, then the chart will make pause
and continue parsing data until it finishes.
T |
setProcessTimeout(java.lang.Integer processTimeout)
If you set it to 1 millisecond or some bigger value, chart will be built in chunks instead of all at once.
T |
setResponsive(Responsive responsive)
Sets a config object for Responsive plugin
T |
setSvgIcons(java.lang.Boolean svgIcons)
Sets use SVG icons (if browser supports SVG).
T |
setTapToActivate(java.lang.Boolean tapToActivate)
Charts which require gestures like swipe (charts with scrollbar/cursor) used to prevent regular page scrolling
and could result page to stick to the same spot if the chart occupied whole screen.
T |
setTheme(ChartTheme theme)
Sets theme of a chart.
T |
setThousandsSeparator(java.lang.String thousandsSeparator)
Sets thousands separator.
T |
setTitles(java.util.List<Title> titles)
Sets list of titles.
T |
setTouchClickDuration(java.lang.Integer touchClickDuration)
Sets the touch click duration.
T |
setUsePrefixes(java.lang.Boolean usePrefixes)
If true, prefixes will be used for big and small numbers.
java.lang.Boolean getAddClassNames()
T setAddClassNames(java.lang.Boolean addClassNames)
- add CSS class names optionjava.util.List<Label> getAllLabels()
T setAllLabels(java.util.List<Label> allLabels)
- list of labelsExport getExport()
T setExport(Export export)
- the exportColor getBackgroundColor()
T setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
to greater than 0 value in order
background to be visible.backgroundColor
- the background colorBalloon getBalloon()
T setBalloon(Balloon balloon)
- the balloonLegend getLegend()
java.lang.String getDecimalSeparator()
T setDecimalSeparator(java.lang.String decimalSeparator)
- the decimal separator stringjava.lang.Integer getPercentPrecision()
T setPercentPrecision(java.lang.Integer percentPrecision)
- the percent precisionjava.lang.Integer getPrecision()
T setPrecision(java.lang.Integer precision)
- the precisionDataProvider getDataProvider()
T setDataProvider(DataProvider dataProvider)
- the data providerT addData(DataItem... dataItems)
is null, so it creates
- data items to addjava.lang.String getPathToImages()
T setPathToImages(java.lang.String pathToImages)
- path to imagesChartTheme getTheme()
T setTheme(ChartTheme theme)
- the themejava.lang.Double getBorderAlpha()
T setBorderAlpha(java.lang.Double borderAlpha)
- the border alphaColor getBorderColor()
T setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
- the border colorjava.lang.String getClassNamePrefix()
T setClassNamePrefix(java.lang.String classNamePrefix)
is set to true.classNamePrefix
- class name prefix stringCreditsPosition getCreditsPosition()
T setCreditsPosition(CreditsPosition creditsPosition)
- the credits positionColor getColor()
java.lang.String getFontFamily()
T setFontFamily(java.lang.String fontFamily)
- font family stringjava.lang.Integer getFontSize()
T setFontSize(java.lang.Integer fontSize)
- the font sizejava.lang.Boolean getHandDrawn()
T setHandDrawn(java.lang.Boolean handDrawn)
and handDrawThickness
properties for a more scattered result.handDrawn
- hand drawn optionjava.lang.Integer getHandDrawScatter()
T setHandDrawScatter(java.lang.Integer handDrawScatter)
is set to
true) will fluctuate.handDrawScatter
- the hand drawn scatterjava.lang.Integer getHandDrawThickness()
T setHandDrawThickness(java.lang.Integer handDrawThickness)
is set
to true).handDrawThickness
- the hand draw thicknessjava.lang.Integer getHideBalloonTime()
T setHideBalloonTime(java.lang.Integer hideBalloonTime)
- the hide balloon time in millisecondsjava.lang.Boolean getPanEventsEnabled()
T setPanEventsEnabled(java.lang.Boolean panEventsEnabled)
- pan events enabled optionjava.util.List<BigNumberPrefix> getPrefixesOfBigNumbers()
T setPrefixesOfBigNumbers(java.util.List<BigNumberPrefix> prefixesOfBigNumbers)
property to
- list of BigNumberPrefixT addPrefixesOfBigNumbers(BigNumberPrefix... prefixesOfBigNumbers)
- prefixes of big numbersjava.util.List<SmallNumberPrefix> getPrefixesOfSmallNumbers()
T setPrefixesOfSmallNumbers(java.util.List<SmallNumberPrefix> prefixesOfSmallNumbers)
property to
- list of SmallNumberPrefixT addPrefixesOfSmallNumbers(SmallNumberPrefix... prefixesOfSmallNumbers)
- prefixes of small numbersjava.lang.String getThousandsSeparator()
T setThousandsSeparator(java.lang.String thousandsSeparator)
- - thousands separator stringjava.util.List<Title> getTitles()
T setTitles(java.util.List<Title> titles)
- the titlesjava.lang.Boolean getUsePrefixes()
T setUsePrefixes(java.lang.Boolean usePrefixes)
- the use prefixes optionjava.util.List<java.lang.String> getAdditionalFields()
T setAdditionalFields(java.util.List<java.lang.String> additionalFields)
- list of additional fieldsT addAdditionalFields(java.lang.String... fields)
- the fieldsjava.lang.Boolean getAutoDisplay()
T setAutoDisplay(java.lang.Boolean autoDisplay)
- auto display optionjava.lang.Boolean getAutoResize()
T setAutoResize(java.lang.Boolean autoResize)
- auto resize optionjava.lang.Double getBackgroundAlpha()
T setBackgroundAlpha(java.lang.Double backgroundAlpha)
to work.backgroundAlpha
- background alpha optionjava.lang.String getLanguage()
T setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
- language stringjava.lang.String getPath()
T setPath(java.lang.String path)
- the path stringjava.lang.Boolean getSvgIcons()
T setSvgIcons(java.lang.Boolean svgIcons)
- svgIcons optionjava.lang.Boolean getTapToActivate()
T setTapToActivate(java.lang.Boolean tapToActivate)
- tap to activate optionjava.lang.String getDefs()
T setDefs(java.lang.String defs)
- defs stringjava.lang.Boolean getAccessible()
T setAccessible(java.lang.Boolean accessible)
- accessible optionjava.lang.String getAccessibleTitle()
T setAccessibleTitle(java.lang.String accessibleTitle)
- accessible title stringResponsive getResponsive()
T setResponsive(Responsive responsive)
- the responsivejava.lang.Integer getProcessCount()
T setProcessCount(java.lang.Integer processCount)
- the process countjava.lang.Integer getProcessTimeout()
T setProcessTimeout(java.lang.Integer processTimeout)
- the process timeoutjava.lang.Integer getTouchClickDuration()
T setTouchClickDuration(java.lang.Integer touchClickDuration)
- the touch click duration in millisecondsjava.lang.Boolean getAutoTransform()
T setAutoTransform(java.lang.Boolean autoTransform)
- auto transform option