CUBA Studio Release Notes

Version 6.3.4

Resolved Issues

Version 6.3.3

Resolved Issues

CUBA Studio Release Notes

Version 6.3.2

Resolved Issues

Version 6.3.1

Resolved Issues

Version 6.3.0

  1. Platform release 6.3 support and migration. See the platform release notes for details.
  2. Major.Minor version of Studio will now be the same as the highest supported platform release.
  3. Custom application components can be added on the Project properties > App components panel.
  4. The Project properties > App component descriptor link can be used to generate the app-component.xml descriptor and manifest entry in order to use the current project as an application component.
  5. If there are snapshot dependencies of some application components, Studio downloads component sources on project opening if snapshot timestamps are newer.
  6. The Screens > Create login window link can be used to customize the application login window.
  7. Connections to additional databases can be set up on the Project properties > Advanced > Additional data stores panel.
  8. Model generator tries not to modify the database schema when possible and use existing tables as is.
  9. Support for entities with identity and composite keys.
  10. The Project properties > Deployment settings link allows you to set up Jelastic deployment and WAR building.
  11. Screen designer.

Over 20 other bug fixes, enhancements and usability improvements.