CUBA Studio Changelog

Version 2.2.4

Improvements, including:

  1. Create standard screens with embedded attributes if they are included to the view.

Bug fixes, including:

  1. Unable to generate DB scripts if the database is not HSQLDB and it does not exist.
  2. If the desktop module exists, AccessDeniedException may occur when creating standard screens for replaced sec$User entity.
  3. Long TabSheet.Tab captions become broken.
  4. dbmsVersion = 'null' is added to build.gradle DB-related tasks on platform version upgrade.
  5. Files in IDEA's out directory sometimes are locked by Studio.

Version 2.2.3

Improvements, including:

  1. Support for HtmlBoxLayout.
  2. Support for ButtonsPanel for Tree.
  3. Do not set default class comment and Java header for new projects.
  4. Add JSR356WebsocketInitializer configuration to web.xml of new projects based on the platform 6.2.
  5. Jelastic widget has been updated.

Bug fixes, including:

  1. Enumerations disappear from Studio if import com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.impl.EnumClass in an entity is changed to import com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.impl.*.
  2. TabSheet.Tab caption is altered if it exceeds 30 characters.
  3. Entity creation SQL script contains attributes from its @MappedSuperclass child if SINGLE_TABLE inheritance type is used.
  4. Creating Jelastic environment fails because Jelastic platform now uses Tomcat 8.5.

Version 2.2.2

Improvements, including:

  1. Support for transient attributes in Embeddable entity.
  2. Support for java.sql.Time and java.sql.Date entity attribute types.
  3. Suggest creating inverse attribute after changing cardinality.
  4. When dragging a menu item, the list is scrolled when the cursor touches the edge of the tree box.
  5. Support for the stylename attribute of main menu items.
  6. Jelastic widget has been updated to support more providers.
  7. License agreement should be accepted on the first Studio start.

Bug fixes, including:

  1. InfoBar extra icons are missing in dark theme.
  2. If the project uses a custom theme, Studio removes corresponding Gradle tasks when rewrites build.gradle.
  3. Fields width is not applied for edit screen when creating standard screens.
  4. Wrong entity name in generated optionsDatasource query in the fields editor.
  5. Enumerations are shown twice or disappear in Studio if they are moved from one package to another in IDE.

Version 2.2.1

Improvements, including:

  1. Support for file dependencies in Project properties > Advanced. For example:
    fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
  2. Standard screen names now include dashes for entities with multi-word names.
  3. Services can have interfaces in Java and implementations in Groovy.
  4. When selecting a reference attribute in View Designer, assign _minimal view to it by default.

Bug fixes, including:

  1. Exception on removing files in some cases.
  2. Incorrect refactoring of an entity if it contains two or more embedded attributes of the same type.
  3. Studio replaces line separators with CRLF when saving property files on Windows.
  4. When creating standard screens, composition tables are not created for child entity if the attributes are defined in a base entity.
  5. Code blocks in README do not preserve line breaks.

Version 2.2.0

  1. Platform release 6.2 support.
  2. On Windows and Mac OS X, the CUBA Studio Server window closes to tray. Use the Exit button to quit the application. If the Silent startup checkbox is selected, Studio starts in tray and opens UI in default browser automatically.
  3. The list of projects is sorted by time of last use.
  4. Studio is now able to keep the history of project changes locally. You can activate it on the Help > Settings page. See details in the context help.
  5. Many improvements in Jelastic cloud deployment. See context help on the Cloud deployment settings page.
  6. Menu designer displays menu structure exactly as it will be shown in the application. Application menu items can be rearranged and placed inside inherited sections using drag-and-drop.
  7. Screen layout designer improvements:
    1. Components in Palette are divided to Containers, Components, Main window and Custom components.
    2. Left-click on a component just selects it in the working area and Hierarchy.
    3. Right-click on a component selects it, shows InfoBar and selects Properties tab.
    4. InfoBar for complex components like Table and FieldGroup now has buttons for opening columns (C), actions (A) and fields (F).
    5. Icon editor allows you to select an existing icon from a theme image file or Font Awesome. In order to use font-based icons, set the cuba.web.useFontIcons application property to true. You can do it on the Project properties page using the Use font icons checkbox.
    6. Component identifier can be generated by clicking on the button next to the id field.
    7. Support for generator attribute of the table's column element. Clicking on the button next to the generator field in the columns editor creates a method in the controller, that will be used to render generated columns.
    8. If Preview mode is selected in the layout properties, the working area does not display dotted containers markup lines.
    9. Drag-n-drop is used in Columns, Fields, Actions editors instead of Up/Down buttons.
    10. Autocomplete (Ctrl-Space) can be used to search for entity attribute names in Columns and Fields editors.
    11. In panels-free mode (Ctrl-Shift-/), the component palette is displayed on the left side in full height.
  8. More convenient and clear creation of extended screens. When you create a new screen (not a standard entity screen), Studio offers the options to create the screen from scratch or extend an existing one, selecting it from the list.
  9. The Dialog mode button on the Properties tab of the screen designer allows you to set parameters of the dialogMode XML element of the screen descriptor.
  10. Studio does not warn about changes in a screen descriptor if its XML DOM is the same and difference is only in formatting.
  11. You can invoke creation and editing of views right from the places where they are used: datasources and standard screens creation pages.
  12. Entity inheritance has been simplified. If you don't specify an inheritance strategy for base class, Studio will generate DTYPE varchar(100) column for its table. If you don't specify a discriminator value, the entity's name will be used.
  13. Studio used to reject column names that are reserved words in any of the supported DBMS. Now, if you are sure that the name is not a reserved word in the selected DBMS, you can accept it and Studio will not notify you about this name in the future. You can remove accepted names later in Help > Settings > DBMS reserved words accepted as column names list.
  14. Support for connection to a non-default database schema on PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. Use the following connection parameter: currentSchema=myschema.
  15. Model generator (DB reverse-engineering) now creates views containing local and to-one attributes and uses them in generated screens. It is recommended to assign instance names for reference entities in order to display meaningful attributes instead of toString() representations of entities.
  16. You can pop-out context help in a separate browser window by clicking on the button in the help panel.
  17. If the project contains a README file with .md, .txt or .html extension, it will be displayed in the help panel.
  18. JavaFX is not required for headless mode anymore, so Studio can run on stock OpenJDK on Linux.

Over 30 other bug fixes, enhancements and usability improvements.