CUBA Studio Changelog

Version 1.4.4

  1. Fixed layout in Chrome v.43+
  2. The database name can now be followed by JDBC parameters separated from the name with ?;,\ symbols.

Version 1.4.3

Bug fixes, including:

  1. Studio sometimes removes entities from the list after creating an entity listener.
  2. NumberFormatException when pressing a button if the browser zoom is used.
  3. Inability to use DateTime and Time attributes in a not persistent entity.
  4. Incorrect placement of the ext:index attribute in an extending screen.

Version 1.4.2

Bug fixes, including:

  1. Studio removes a view after editing it in IDE.
  2. Screen layout designer does not preserve manually added formatter attributes.
  3. StackOverflowError when a user tries to edit a view that extends another view with the same name from a base project.
  4. Exception on adding a new attribute to an existing screen.
  5. Error in HSQLDB when updating the database for changing an attribute that references the same table.

Version 1.4.1

  1. Fixed migration to platform release 5.4: required dependency on fts-gui is now automatically added to build.gradle if the project is based on FTS.
  2. Fixed error on entity parsing when static import of FetchType value is used.
  3. TimeField component was added to the components palette.
  4. editable property can now be set for a table column in the Screen Layout Designer.

Version 1.4.0