CUBA Studio Changelog

Version 1.0.6


STUDIO-534 - Problems with Instance name

STUDIO-745 - Keep focus on top level window

STUDIO-761 - Screens from cuba-menu can be removed and upper-level items become editable


STUDIO-760 - Place 'Cardinality' field below 'Type' in entity attribute editor

STUDIO-770 - Entities sort order in datasource entity drop-down list


STUDIO-708 - Exception when we try to create inverse attribute after changing cardinality

STUDIO-734 - IllegalStateException when we try to create inverse attribute without selecting attribute type

STUDIO-767 - NPE after removing attribute


STUDIO-225 - Support for SCSS theme extension. See "Create theme extension" link in Project properties section.

STUDIO-759 - Add UI components for collection attributes when generating standard screens. Now ONE_TO_MANY composition and MANY_TO_MANY association properties are included in standard edit screen.

STUDIO-764 - Support createDb.oracleSystemUser property

Usability Problem

STUDIO-314 - Menu is not updated when changing screen id or removing screen from project

STUDIO-568 - After removing a menu item all upper-level items get collapsed

Version 1.0.5


STUDIO-315 - In tab "Main menu" delete properties "Insert before" and "Insert after" for items

STUDIO-475 - Do not allow to remove view if it is used in datasources

STUDIO-577 - Project properties close dialog offers to save invalid data

STUDIO-583 - Dot not allow to create reference attributes with Many to One or Many to Many cardinality of the base entities type

STUDIO-606 - Don't allow to create attribute which has attribute type COMPOSITION and one of the base entities as type

STUDIO-653 - Views from base projects won't load while we don't reopen project

STUDIO-669 - Menu items are not saved when menu is created at first time

STUDIO-671 - Attribute "optional" is generated for @ManyToMany and @OneToMany

STUDIO-686 - Incorrect generation of update script for null/not null constraint on Oracle

STUDIO-699 - Studio doesn't remove create script for removed entity

STUDIO-701 - Wrong options in 'MappedBy' field in EntityAttribute editor

STUDIO-702 - @JoinTable wasn't generated if we open another tab without saving data

STUDIO-706 - Create inverse attribute dialog should appear only once

STUDIO-707 - @JoinColumn wasn't removed after making attribute not 'owning side'

STUDIO-711 - Message about unsaved changes appears after selecting 'Source' tab

STUDIO-713 - Wrong column type for DateTime attribute on HSQL

STUDIO-714 - We cannot create attribute with previous name of another attribute

STUDIO-717 - Base project's entities could be selected as type for @Composition attribute

STUDIO-719 - Entity name is duplicated in "Can not remove entity" dialog

STUDIO-732 - Unable to generate init scripts if Oracle DB doesn't exist

STUDIO-737 - Submenu's items are not stored in XML if submenu is just created

STUDIO-746 - Validation error about existing attribute with the same name is shown when there is only one attribute

STUDIO-758 - Join table for many to many wasn't deleted after removing link between entities


STUDIO-715 - Generate name for inverse MANY_TO_MANY attribute in plural

STUDIO-727 - Set focus to 'name' field in new attribute editor

STUDIO-728 - 'Set' collection type must be default for new entity attributes

STUDIO-730 - Close project by Ctrl+Shift+Z shortcut

STUDIO-731 - More informative messages about missing Oracle JDBC driver

STUDIO-736 - Typo in warning message

STUDIO-739 - Show message file names in "Localized message" editor


STUDIO-636 - IllegalStateException when trying to create entity before base sources are loaded

STUDIO-722 - NPE when we switch off mandatory and change owning side at the same time

STUDIO-724 - NPE after clicking on button Up/Down after deleting attribute

STUDIO-740 - An NPE is thrown when creating a new entity with embedded entity as an attribute


STUDIO-364 - Remove deleted entity's property from views.xml

STUDIO-705 - Select single attribute in field 'mapped by' automatically

STUDIO-738 - Add Drag'n'Drop support into menu editor

STUDIO-752 - Support refreshMode="NEVER" for collection datasource

Usability Problem

STUDIO-462 - Item in menu tree doesn't change when you change it's id in the right panel

STUDIO-463 - Don't let user update database after some modules have been added

STUDIO-501 - Don't validate data when screen is closed

STUDIO-586 - It is not possible to move a menu item inside a sub menu

STUDIO-619 - Show notification about existing attributes which have type of removed entity (after removing this entity)

STUDIO-657 - Discriminator field should be available only if parent class has a discriminator column

STUDIO-673 - Warn user if Join Table name exceeds 30 characters on Oracle

STUDIO-683 - Show warning about changing or removing reference attribute

STUDIO-716 - Warn user if JAVA_HOME is not set

STUDIO-718 - Don't allow to create inverse attributes with existing names

Version 1.0.4


STUDIO-608 - Attributes don't appear in table after saving previous attribute

STUDIO-609 - Some items from cuba-menu are editable

STUDIO-618 - Studio offers to create inverse attribute twice

STUDIO-655 - Incorrect generation of alter column script for MS SQL

STUDIO-659 - DB scripts for MS SQL try to remove FK twice

STUDIO-662 - Studio doesn't generate scripts for dropping indexes in MS SQL

STUDIO-663 - Problem with generation clustered index if parent entity has inheritance strategy JOINED in MS SQL

STUDIO-664 - DB init scripts are generated incorrectly if their files are completely deleted but the database contains some tables

STUDIO-670 - DB update scripts for Oracle attempts to drop not existing tables

STUDIO-674 - 'Attribute appended' notification appears even if nothing is selected but OK pressed

STUDIO-684 - Hide fields for "referencedColumnName" from attribute editor

STUDIO-688 - Incorrect status of generated scripts

STUDIO-698 - 'MappedBy' annotation attribute is added to owning sides of relations

STUDIO-703 - Init scripts for many to many join table are not generated

STUDIO-704 - Generate column name after reselecting "Owning side"


STUDIO-700 - Rename 'Master' attribute in attribute editor to 'Owning side'


STUDIO-68 - After creating new entity attributes offer to append them to screens

STUDIO-118 - Fix mappedBy annotation for ONE_TO_ONE cardinality

STUDIO-654 - Remove Apply button from DB scripts page

STUDIO-661 - Help for menu

STUDIO-665 - Don't allow to remove entity if other entities have references to it

STUDIO-677 - Make "Generate DB scripts" command always active, embed DB scripts manager in update scripts generation page

STUDIO-697 - Add 'Owning side' property for attributes with ONE_TO_ONE cardinality

Usability Problem

STUDIO-672 - Don't update DB-related Gradle tasks automatically

STUDIO-689 - Show notification about DB connection error

STUDIO-691 - Don't create subdirectories by year for update scripts

STUDIO-693 - Check if init scripts exist before running "Create database"

STUDIO-710 - Change shortcut for closing page to Shift+Esc

Version 1.0.3


STUDIO-289 - Don't offer to create to create standard screens for embeddable entities

STUDIO-334 - Add localization for description attribute of FieldGroup's field

STUDIO-335 - Screen designer: specifying optionsDatasource of LookupField leads to property reset

STUDIO-344 - Can't create a nested datasource of third level and below

STUDIO-597 - Don't allow to put container into tables and FieldGroup using context menu

STUDIO-629 - Footer comment is removed from when changing properties

STUDIO-630 - Clear tomcat/conf/app directory on server restart or deploy.
To apply this fix onto existing project, you have to re-create its build scripts (see 'Project properies' section). Be careful, all your manual changes in build.gradle and settings.gradle will be lost, so you will need to add them again.

STUDIO-633 - Deadlock on switching messages panel

STUDIO-637 - Entity attribute is duplicated in Java source when its type is changed from simple type to entity


STUDIO-647 - Default copyright notice for IDEA project


STUDIO-604 - NPE when we select ftsSearchResults screen in the "Descriptor Extends" field

STUDIO-635 - NPE when we click on "Open" without selecting project for import


STUDIO-600 - Available locales editor


STUDIO-642 - Support FTS screens from fts-web-screens.xml

Usability Problem

STUDIO-628 - Rework assigning namespace on project import.
Now namespace on import is automatically deduced from the root package set in project's metadata.xml file, and can be changed if needed.

STUDIO-646 - Duplicate notification message in console

Version 1.0.2


STUDIO-301 - Some views offer save changes when view not changed

STUDIO-338 - Unnecessary items in menu editor

STUDIO-358 - Update standard views after related changes

STUDIO-420 - When we create view for entity, which has reference to himself, drop-down list of attributes doesn't appear

STUDIO-451 - Local attributes are not allocated when we set Extends="_local"

STUDIO-452 - Columns for local attributes are created twice when we generate standard screens

STUDIO-478 - Problems with tree for views

STUDIO-566 - Exclude screens with no XML descriptor from the "Descriptor Extends" list

STUDIO-584 - Mapped by gets erased on attribute selectiion

STUDIO-589 - Screen editor's layout tab freezes when trying to access a generated screen

STUDIO-590 - Editing project properties causes extra line breaks to be removed


STUDIO-591 - Extra spaces when new message translations are added using "add" button

STUDIO-596 - Add Studio icon PNG file to the distribution

STUDIO-605 - Highlight default button in options dialog

STUDIO-610 - Add icon to server window

STUDIO-625 - Change portal module favicon


STUDIO-498 - NPE when we click on button "Up" or "Down"

STUDIO-511 - NPE when we change cardinality to MANY_TO_MANY

STUDIO-582 - NPE when we try to localize inverse attribute

STUDIO-594 - ConcurrentModificationException on project opening

STUDIO-598 - StackOverflow error on renaming attribute of the self-related entity

STUDIO-603 - Internal error after moving row out of GridLayout


STUDIO-545 - Don't allow to create an attribute if there is an inherited attribute with the same name

STUDIO-602 - Add project's 'namespace' field.
It is automatically created from the project's name on project creation and stored in registered projects configuration file ~/.haulmont/studio/projects.xml.
When you import a project, i.e. there is no stored information about the project in configuration file, you have to specify the namespace value manually. Future versions of Studio will better handle this situation.

STUDIO-611 - Don't run migration for the same minor release

Usability Problem

STUDIO-309 - When user changes platform's version, stop application server if it runs

STUDIO-348 - Enable multiselect in registered projects table to be able remove several projects at once

STUDIO-362 - When user changes database type, stop application server if it runs

STUDIO-487 - Ability to start Studio server from any directory

STUDIO-592 - Validation of entity name

STUDIO-607 - Branding messages localization window should immediately react on changing of available locales

STUDIO-612 - Update IDE files after each build.gradle change

Version 1.0.1


STUDIO-98 - FileSystemException occurs when user edit project properties while web application is running.

STUDIO-291 - Need validation for TextFields.

STUDIO-447 - View edit issues.

STUDIO-450 - Studio try to drop attribute and recreate it when it shouldn't.

STUDIO-457 - Instance name list shifts when moving attributes up/down.

STUDIO-461 - Exception when we try to open DB script manager before creating database.

STUDIO-490 - Help: link for name pattern doesn't work.

STUDIO-491 - Add ability to set screen's attribute "multipleOpen".

STUDIO-503 - Don't allow to set illegal symbols in component's height field.

STUDIO-505 - Don't allow to add screens from desktop module to web-menu and vice versa.

STUDIO-513 - Fix problems with Tree component.

STUDIO-518 - Don't allow to set incorrect locale.

STUDIO-521 - Screens are duplicated if we reopen project several times.

STUDIO-528 - Correct colors of attributes after extending another screen.

STUDIO-530 - Incorrect generation of XML for inherited screen.

STUDIO-531 - Fix Grid inheritance problems.

STUDIO-539 - DB scripts manager doesn't sort scripts alphabetically.

STUDIO-540 - Disable importing the same project several times.

STUDIO-541 - "New Entity" button should always be enabled.

STUDIO-544 - Disable creating of screens with the same ID in one module.

STUDIO-546 - We can't select ID for table's column until we didn't save changes.

STUDIO-550 - Moving a screen into another module but in the same path doesn't work.

STUDIO-551 - Fix standard screens creation for inherited entity.

STUDIO-556 - Hierarchy tree has incorrect connection lines between nodes.

STUDIO-563 - View editor doesn't saves changes when user changes atribute view.

STUDIO-567 - Remove SearchField from the components palette.

STUDIO-570 - Add GUI module to Workflow base project.


STUDIO-413 - Fix View Designer unsaved changes dialog.

STUDIO-536 - Fix panel for view's attributes.

STUDIO-537 - Remove cross sign for components which have only width.

STUDIO-547 - Redesign Studio start page.

STUDIO-548 - Description should overlap field, otherwise it looks bad.


STUDIO-498 - NPE when we click on button "Up" or "Down" in the Entity Designer.

STUDIO-532 - StackOverflowError on creation of screens with hierarchy of inheritance.

STUDIO-538 - NPE after running "Update database".

STUDIO-558 - ValidationException on closing the View Designer containing incorrect values.

STUDIO-559 - IllegalStateException on attempt to remove TabSheet component.

STUDIO-561 - NPE on attempt to open in IDE a removed script in the DB Scripts Manager.

STUDIO-580 - Exception in log "PushContext not initialized..." after restarting server.


STUDIO-169 - Support the fllowing View properties: systemProperties, extends.

STUDIO-553 - Support hierarchicalProperty from superclass in datasources editor.

STUDIO-554 - Add ability to set logging level in the server's window.

STUDIO-569 - Add ability to use inherited attributes in Table columns and FieldGroup fields editors.

STUDIO-571 - Stop Tomcat by sending SHUTDOWN on 8005 port.

Usability Problem

STUDIO-149 - Ctrl+C does not work in DDL textarea.

STUDIO-495 - Trim spaces in server's window Repository URL field.

STUDIO-572 - Notify user about possibly long build on first run.

Version 1.0.0

This is the first generally available version, so no changes yet :)