PL-3699 - DesktopSearchPickerField - incorrect filtering in component
PL-3700 - Required searchField with null option does not select single suggestion
PL-3738 - Component owned shortcuts are broken
PL-3739 - Custom datatype is not used by components
PL-3730 - Improve WAR deployment tasks
PL-3684 - Set allowCommit false for non persistent datasources in RoleEditor
PL-3685 - Control User Substitution creation according to user permissions
PL-3691 - Fix repetitive metadata.xml loading and parsing
PL-1913 - OptionsGroup component. Bug horizontal with Orientation
PL-3533 - Failed OptionsGroup use cases
PL-3539 - Failed LookupField use cases with null option
PL-3547 - Support instance name for nullOption in LookupField
PL-3584 - "Value too long for varchar 255" for CreditCardTransaction.errorMessage
PL-3613 - Add scroll to ScheduledTaskEditor
PL-3617 - Button - vertical align for caption and icon
PL-3627 - Option "cuba.gui.genericFilterTrimParamValues" does not work for Desktop
PL-3629 - Memory leak when using ListEditComponent
PL-3632 - Scheduled task editor layout is broken when definedBy = "Script"
PL-3643 - DesktopSearchPickerField broken after focus lost
PL-3645 - Desktop table sorting bugs if you change list of columns
PL-3646 - AbstractWindow#preClose is not called in desktop client
PL-3649 - AbstractAction does not notify about changed shortcut
PL-3650 - FtsManager.processQueue() should not check ClusterManagerAPI.isMaster()
PL-3656 - Table clickAction issue
PL-3669 - GroupTable is drawn incorrectly
PL-3672 - Specifying custom Null Option keeps empty option in desktop lookup field
PL-3653 - Main window with header has white background
PL-3647 - Slow screen closing leads to exception if user clicks button twice
PL-3652 - Make FtsManager to be extendable
PL-3663 - Separate FTS indexing on servers
PL-3664 - Enable indexing and searching of embedded entities fields
PL-3665 - Strict GWT building
PL-3567 - Entity inspector makes unnecessary load request for 10000 entities
PL-3199 - Return list if it's empty to prevent divide by zero exception if first result not equals to "0"
PL-3505 - Reload table selection from datasource on collection change
PL-3558 - PortalConnection.update() sets SecurityContext instead of PortalSecurityContext
PL-3562 - AbstractEditor.initNewItem() should not be called for editing not committed instance of 2nd level
PL-3565 - MappingFileCreator should check transitive inheritance
PL-3573 - Copied designs aren't shown
PL-3576 - Internal column generator for boolean datatype causes IllegalArgumentException
PL-3582 - Can't use entity log for extended entity
PL-3587 - Rework repaint and setEditable methods for web table
PL-3596 - Enter shortcut does not work for Tree
PL-3597 - Input stream is not closed in AbstractMessages
PL-3608 - Remove SearchPickerField editing highlight for readonly component
PL-3610 - SearchPickerField - move edit color to SCSS theme
PL-3612 - Ability to clear search picker value without clear button
PL-3615 - Fix fireValueChanged for Desktop components
PL-3621 - Nested ValueChanged listener for web ignored
PL-3550 - Caption doesn't fit in multiupload button
PL-3557 - Localize field caption in app folder editor
PL-3577 - TimeField doesn't fit to category's attribute editor
PL-3593 - DeletePolicyHandler shows error message with
text inside
PL-3609 - ReadOnlyException for WebSearchPickerField
PL-3620 - NPE in DesktopAbstractTable
PL-2089 - ViewRepository should warn on duplicate view definition without "overwrite" attribute
PL-3279 - SearchPickerField for desktop
PL-3561 - Add random strategy of selecting middleware server from client
PL-3604 - Introduce WindowParams.MULTI_SELECT parameter
PL-3543 - Trim filter parameters text fields
PL-3590 - Mark required fields in password change window
PL-3605 - DevelopmentException instead of NPE if parameters of setDatasource() method are incorrect
PL-1829 - Security constraints should be applied on JPQL "from" entity regardless of LoadContext entity type
PL-3157 - WebTable does not show new boolean value after field change
PL-3413 - Uploading several external files works incorrectly
PL-3444 - Inconsistent behaviour while adding/removing multiple actions with same shortcut to Table
PL-3450 - Correct dataset selection in Report editor
PL-3452 - @ManyToMany and @OnDeleteInverse do not work together as expected
PL-3454 - AbstractTreeDatasource doesn't free internal resources on clear() call
PL-3457 - 'Cancel' button and ESC shortcut work differently
PL-3466 - Fix right mouse click on tree
PL-3473 - Turn off identity insert after seq_jbpm_id_gen creation in MSSQL
PL-3476 - Editing of ManyToMany related entity leads to OptimisticLockException if another instance is created at the same time
PL-3490 - LinkLoader loads caption from value attribute
PL-3493 - Canceled changes in new COMPOSITION entity saved in parent after repeated edit
PL-3495 - Exception when switching active filter in dialog lookup
PL-3499 - WebTabSheet components must be ordered
PL-3501 - Table management controls are not localized in desktop
PL-3505 - Reload table selection from datasource on collection change
PL-3512 - Wrong message when uploaded file exceeds maximum size
PL-3534 - Mark groovy scripts with postUpdate as executed only after their execution
PL-3536 - DB scripts sorting uses full file names with extension
PL-3453 - More specific messages in running report dialog
PL-3417 - NPE in Entity Log
PL-3418 - IllegalStateException in Entity Log
PL-3429 - NPE when we try to add entity to set while no set is selected in filter
PL-3483 - NPE in AttachmentEditor
PL-3527 - NPE - Key combinations for submenu
PL-1925 - Get rid of requirement 'alias$EntityName.lookup' screen for LookupAction
PL-3394 - Russian translation for CCPayments
PL-3419 - Implement Messages#formatMainMessage(...)
PL-3475 - Details for ControllerDependencyInjector warning about not found required inject value
PL-3477 - Validate dsContext to have unique datasource IDs
PL-3482 - Preconditions with checkNotNullArgument
PL-3486 - Key combinations for numeric keyboard
PL-3488 - Do not commit datasources with allowCommit = false
PL-3510 - Profile screen XML parse time
PL-3470 - Error when creating new JMX node
PL-3266 - Make BaseUuidEntity.getMetaClass() to throw exception instead of returning null
PL-3456 - Replace AbstractEditor.initItem() with initNewItem()
PL-3458 - Unsaved changes dialog appears for new entity even if user didn't change anything
PL-3478 - Add possibility to copy generated password from table
PL-3503 - Fix Table columns API
PL-3508 - Fix handling of mutable views
PL-3509 - Fix problem with
placing dependent View definitions in different files
PL-2800 - Editable reference columns do not work in desktop
PL-3314 - Editable columns implementation for Desktop
PL-3334 - Method parentBand.getParameter('paramName') is absent
PL-3350 - DialogParams.setHeight does not set maximum height of dialog for Desktop
PL-3351 - Force charset=UTF-8 for downloads
PL-3354 - Assign frame for buttons panel
PL-3358 - Editor doesn't save new instance if its fields are not changed
PL-3362 - OptimisticExceptionHandler can skip the exception
PL-3363 - Width 100% for edit components in filter editor
PL-3364 - WebSourceCodeEditor should return null instead of empty string
PL-3368 - Disallow commit in usersDs of CardRolesFrame
PL-3369 - Text wrap in BackgroundWorkWindow
PL-3370 - 'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges' when working on Oracle instance with more than one CUBA database
PL-3371 - Don't allow to set till date beyond start date for user substitution
PL-3372 - Init default converter for web TextField
PL-3373 - Date and time field validation failed if time is not set
PL-3384 - Cannot copy user by using context menu
PL-3397 - Button "Change password" is disabled after second click on users list
PL-3406 - Extra button in lookup fields in IE 10
PL-3415 - Custom field generator can't be replaced in FieldGroup
PL-3421 - FieldGroup.setFieldValue works correctly with String only
PL-3425 - "In" filter condition does not work for String values
PL-3426 - AddToSet and RemoveFromSet buttons enabled state works improperly
PL-3427 - Fix focus gaining for components in Table from mouse events
PL-3430 - Cells of generated columns do not receive mouse events in desktop
PL-3431 - Lookup field with new option handler works incorrectly in desktop
PL-3434 - Only one row is selected after right-click in multi-select Table
PL-3443 - Take into account action visibility for shortcuts
PL-3445 - BandDefinitionEditor bug with selection change and active edit components for dataset
PL-2982 - Prettify report group editor
PL-3283 - Ugly focused styles for tabsheet and menu
PL-3359 - Replace single radiobutton with label in SessionMessageWindow
PL-3360 - Add scroll to right panel in "Email history" screen
PL-3381 - Close JMX operation result window by Esc and Enter
PL-3382 - Change ObjectName for reporting MBeans to ${cuba.webContextName}.reports
PL-3396 - Fix checkbox alignment in Desktop fieldgroup
PL-3398 - Disable "Copy" button after opening user browser
PL-3173 - NPE while injecting datasources from parent window to frame controller
PL-3383 - ClassCastException after copying user' settings
PL-1959 - Run report in background
PL-2730 - Theme improvements for Button
PL-3208 - Static HTML link component
PL-3345 - Log perfstat information in EmailSender#sendEmail
PL-3357 - Show entity name instead of word "Entity" when OK without close is pressed
PL-3365 - Instantiate embedded attributes having public default constructor in CreateAction
PL-3380 - Ability to set non-standard port for HSQLDB server
PL-3424 - BackgroundTaskWrapper should support tasks with parameters
PL-3435 - Ability to set selected any opened tab in main tabsheet using WindowManager
PL-3440 - Hide invisible actions from Table context menu
PL-3441 - Attribute permissions in Desktop table is broken
PL-3227 - DevelopmentException for incorrect onTimer definition
PL-3388 - Table should receive focus after closing the editor which was opened by table's action
PL-3403 - Support receiving focus in table
PL-3055 - Set default required message in setDatasource
PL-3288 - Value listener is lost when editing a nested entity
PL-3312 - getDirtyFields() ignores the last field from dirtySet
PL-3317 - PickerField action - openType setting does not work
PL-3325 - Remove icon:// check from ComponentLoader.loadResourceString
PL-3328 - PickerField as column editor in editable tables
PL-3331 - Invalid Oracle service name in createDb task
PL-3338 - Handle exceptions in Timer
PL-3311 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException after adding new empty condition
PL-3337 - IllegalArgumentException when creating empty constrains
PL-3341 - NPE when we try to create empty sys$EntityStatistics
PL-3343 - QueryResult in EntityInspector
PL-3315 - Inherit DesktopGroupTable from DesktopTable
PL-3316 - AddAction should try to find '*.lookup' screen first
PL-3332 - Add ability to specify Oracle system user name for createDb task
PL-3318 - PickerField.LookupAction#getLookupScreenParams returns null
PL-2968 - Add possibility to remove component when we edit role
PL-3026 - Impossible to set column header and visible columns via Table interface
PL-3220 - TextField.setDataSource should set maxLength if it is specified in metaProperty
PL-3251 - Table datasource listener is not called: generated column with button
PL-3291 - Hide required checkbox for Group conditions in Generic Filter editor
PL-3301 - Remove LoginUserCommand from portal module
PL-2914 - Pinned filter looks bad
PL-2965 - Prettify dialog for copying settings
PL-3292 - Desktop filter - rounded borders of groups are ugly
PL-3305 - GroupBox header artifacts on resize
PL-3311 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException after adding new empty condition
PL-3118 - Add possibility to add generated column in desktop client without declaration in XML
PL-3146 - Make passwordEncryption extendable. Remove HashMethod enum.
PL-3210 - No deprecation comment in @Prefix class
PL-3289 - Need JavaDocs for Timer interface
PL-3282 - Running createDb with script which contains "select call_function();" inside of it returns error
PL-3284 - Don't run nested bands if parent band has empty results
PL-3278 - StackOverflowError - setValue() from ValueListener in DesktopDateField
PL-3281 - Make always not null
PL-2710 - Hiding of field in FieldGroup leaves spacings visible
PL-3097 - Double click mode for Tree
PL-3161 - PickerField buttons should not be visited by focus traversal
PL-3265 - WebDateField bug with prevValue update
PL-3270 - Pressing Enter in MaskedField does not send value to server
PL-2933 - Filter edit layout problem in desktop client
PL-3063 - Vertical align of captions in FieldGroup must be middle
PL-3248 - Report window titles and localization
PL-3261 - Internal error on logout in case of deeply nested opened screens
PL-3118 - Add possibility to add generated column in desktop client without declaration in XML
PL-3258 - Focused styles for components
PL-3260 - Method getComponentNN for Component.Container
PL-3267 - Support select first N rows by Shift+Click in Table
PL-3268 - User friendly message on report import error
PL-3276 - Table API - setColumnCaption and setColumnCollapsed
PL-3238 - Fix focused button style
PL-3249 - Show information about failed band and query in report generation error
PL-3224 - Race condition in DesktopBackgroundWorker
PL-3239 - DB scripts should be read in UTF-8 encoding regardless of OS
PL-3245 - Report band field names are not taken from aliases on HSQLDB
PL-3247 - Show error message dialog for reporting exceptions
PL-3235 - Typo in Timer JavaDoc
PL-2080 - Previous table row keeps selection on traverse to next row by tab
PL-3112 - Remove generated columns only for editable fields on Table.setEditable
PL-3156 - Set root error handler to VaadinSession
PL-3159 - Fix validators for web FieldGroup
PL-3165 - Support for shortcuts in CubaTextField
PL-3172 - Do not try to show error notification if App is not bound
PL-3176 - Do not try to find focus component on tabsheet tabs
PL-3181 - Do not autowire Vaadin property datasources for table column fields
PL-3187 - Ensure getting a message is safe even when there is no UserSession
PL-3191 - WebOptionsGroup.getValue returns Collection which contains another Collection
PL-3206 - Desktop app properties are loaded using default OS encoding, should be UTF-8
PL-3217 - Disable screen history saving after logout
PL-3225 - createDb fails if commands separator in init script is not followed by space
PL-3234 - Handle OpenOfficeException from YARG
PL-3164 - Make distance between names and fields smaller in Process editor
PL-3175 - Add localization for wf$AttachmentType
PL-3211 - Remove tags from design compilation results dialog
PL-3121 - Support option dialog actions without icons
PL-3155 - NPE on adding Role to User if this Role is already added
PL-3171 - Exception when we try to select entity in Entity Log
PL-3223 - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in DesktopTable
PL-3194 - Use default locale from configuration instead of Locale.getDefault()
PL-2898 - Not editable CardRolesFrame allows to edit process roles
PL-2926 - com.vaadin.ui.Label increases the table's row height if it doesn't fit by length
PL-3077 - Use GUI components for FieldGroup validation
PL-3086 - Validation alert contains br tags instead of line breaks
PL-3093 - Working calendar editing issue on HSQLDB
PL-3102 - setCaptionProperty() doesn't work for WebLookupPickerField and MetaProperty
PL-3109 - FieldGroup as focus component in window
PL-3111 - Remove unnecessary overridden methods from web components
PL-3122 - Fix FTS on HSQLDB
PL-3131 - Non localized message 'cardWasDeletedByAnotherUser' in ProcessAction
PL-3132 - Check card version in ProcessAction to prevent optimistic locks
PL-3137 - Limit email subject by 500 symbols on sending email
PL-3092 - Correct HTML output in process design compilation results window
PL-3134 - Font color for web UI was changed
PL-3136 - Fix border style for top level tabsheet
PL-3061 - Table with column hidden by security throws error on setStyleProvider()
PL-3085 - Gradle updateDb task throws exception on Groovy update script
PL-3103 - TopLevelFrame.showNotification NPE
PL-3139 - NPE when we try to see component's name in filter
PL-2852 - Make Data Recovery screen to be available in desktop client
PL-3024 - Non-valid component must be focused on validation
PL-3110 - Ability to inject separate FieldGroup fields
PL-3149 - Create CommitListenerAdapter class to simplify CommitListener implementation
PL-3145 - Move FTS screens declaration from cuba-web-screens.xml to separate file
PL-3141 - showNotification, showMessageDialog, showOptionDialog should be tolerant to nulls
PL-2137 - Login window localization problems
PL-2867 - When password is changed it should not be the same as old
PL-2892 - Permissions to attributes of parent entity
PL-2970 - Emailer and Daylight Saving Time switch
PL-2990 - Inject datasources from nested frame to main window
PL-3032 - Cleanup background tasks only if logged out
PL-3045 - BandDefinitionEditor$Companion warning
PL-3047 - Warn about specified view for datasource with not persistent entity
PL-3054 - Vaadin's AbstractComponent.isEnabled() takes into account component visibility
PL-3056 - Fix window for multiple selection of Workflow's user groups
PL-3058 - Use cuba.availableLocales instead of cuba.portal.defaultLocale for Portal module configuration
PL-3062 - PickerField caption property formatting
PL-3070 - XSD FieldGroup.Field custom - type xs:boolean
PL-3076 - Fix PatternValidator messages for null value
PL-3081 - Don't run empty statements (spaces after last ^) on automatic database update
PL-3048 - Exception on creating IDEA project files if they already exist
PL-3050 - Exception on logout when shown dialog with unsaved message
PL-2852 - Make Data Recovery screen to be available in desktop client
PL-3010 - Pack scss themes to jar instead of zip
PL-3072 - Hook to set ValueChangeListener for CardRoleField
PL-3019 - Add support of HTML markup in UI notifications
PL-3022 - Extract small methods which show validation errors in web / desktop
PL-3020 - Handle incorrect PickerField usage
PL-3043 - Environment variable CUBA_TOMCAT_START_SCRIPT for Tomcat start on Linux
PL-3074 - Separate notification and dialog methods supporting HTML
PL-3079 - More descriptive message is needed when core app is not started by some reason
PL-3004 - Initialize ButtonsPanel
always, not depending on visibility.
PL-2963 - Don't display asterisk for DateField
if editable="false"
PL-1731 - Fix WorkCalendar
PL-2930 - Fix memory leak in WebAbstractBox.remove()
PL-2797 - Fix problem with injection of a datasource into @WindowParam
annotated field.
PL-3015 - Replace default branding icons.
PL-2956 - Fix display of labels in table's generated columns for desktop client.
PL-2952 - Fix TabSheet.Tab.setEnabled()
on screen opening.
PL-2798 - Fix filter fields in user sessions screen for desktop client.
PL-2983 - Implement ProcessAction
in GUI module.
PL-2995 - Add validations to category's attribute editor screen.
PL-2993 - Add method to WindowConfig
to check existence of a screen.
PL-2087 - Fix GroupBox
with 100% height display.
PL-2954 - Set property cuba.metadataConfig
in desktop application.
PL-2953 - Make Emailer
and SmsManager
to check that AppContext
is started when called from Spring schedulers.
PL-2936 - Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
on uploading an attachment without file type set.
PL-2950 - StringDatatype.format()
should never return null.
PL-2927 - Fix ActiveDirectoryHelper
current session assignment.
PL-2918 - Make unique names when copying reports.
PL-2974 - Fix permissions.xsd
This is the first generally available version, so no changes yet :)